Die Eng­lish-Plus-AG am HJK

The cour­se aims to pro­vi­de oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­ver­sa­ti­on and dia­lo­gue for pupils of year 9. Stu­dents impro­ve their lan­guage skills through working on varied and cur­rent topics of spe­cial inte­rest to them.

The cour­se is held once a week from 13.40 to 15.00. Regis­tra­ti­on forms are available from your Eng­lish tea­cher.

Pupils explain the cour­se

We learn (for exam­p­le)…

  • to talk about various topics
  • to ana­ly­se movies and songs
  • to wri­te and act out plots
  • to work with dic­tio­n­a­ries


  • are not rest­ric­ted to (school) books
  • can choo­se the topics
  • can talk wit­hout get­ting mark­ed
  • can play word games

 The cour­se helps us…

  • It helps me to speak Eng­lish more free­ly.
  • The cour­se helps me to express mys­elf more accu­ret­ly.
  • You learn to speak and think quicker in Eng­lish.
  • You get bet­ter marks in par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on.
  • Now my gra­des are bet­ter becau­se I can repeat grammar.
  • In tests it is easier for me to wri­te my ide­as in Eng­lish.
  • We learn some­thing about the Eng­lish tra­di­ti­ons.
  • I know more voca­bu­la­ry.
  • In the les­sons I speak more Eng­lish.

Some projects/topics cover­ed in recent cour­ses were:

  • Hal­lo­ween and other Tra­di­ti­ons — We tal­ked for exam­p­le about Bon­fi­res, Jack-O-Laterns, Trick-or-Tre­at and also about Thanks­gi­ving.
  • The Quenn — We loo­ked at the Bri­tish Mon­ar­chy and The Dia­mond Jubi­lee.
  • Movies — We tal­ked about cur­rent films, wat­ched and dis­cus­sed a movie.
  • Songs — We lis­ten­ed to songs and ana­ly­sed the texts.

If you are inte­res­ted in a bit of puz­zling, why not try our Word­se­arch. You can print it out and compa­re your fin­dings with the finis­hed ver­si­on. No chea­ting though!!

Word­se­arch (pdf)

Word­se­arch finis­hed ver­si­on (pdf)

Come and join us…