Die English-Plus-AG am HJK

The course aims to provide opportunities for conversation and dialogue for pupils of year 9. Students improve their language skills through working on varied and current topics of special interest to them.
The course is held once a week from 13.40 to 15.00. Registration forms are available from your English teacher.

Pupils explain the course
We learn (for example)…
- to talk about various topics
- to analyse movies and songs
- to write and act out plots
- to work with dictionaries

- are not restricted to (school) books
- can choose the topics
- can talk without getting marked
- can play word games

The course helps us…
- It helps me to speak English more freely.
- The course helps me to express myself more accuretly.
- You learn to speak and think quicker in English.
- You get better marks in participation.
- Now my grades are better because I can repeat grammar.
- In tests it is easier for me to write my ideas in English.
- We learn something about the English traditions.
- I know more vocabulary.
- In the lessons I speak more English.
Some projects/topics covered in recent courses were:
- Halloween and other Traditions — We talked for example about Bonfires, Jack-O-Laterns, Trick-or-Treat and also about Thanksgiving.
- The Quenn — We looked at the British Monarchy and The Diamond Jubilee.
- Movies — We talked about current films, watched and discussed a movie.
- Songs — We listened to songs and analysed the texts.
If you are interested in a bit of puzzling, why not try our Wordsearch. You can print it out and compare your findings with the finished version. No cheating though!!
Wordsearch finished version (pdf)